Friday, January 15, 2010

Hi Goose!

So you are two, and I really have to say that you are fabulous. I have never really done this before, write to you, write down what it is you do, how you are, but there is just so much going on with you that I know I won't remember if its not documented somewhere.

Truth is you weren't always this fabulous. Our relationship got off to a bit of a rocky start. I mean, you screamed a lot, you weren't particularly funny or engaging, you screamed a lot, you really hurt my boobs and you may have screamed a lot, I can't remember because of all the screaming. But we have moved on, and I have begun realize that you weren't actually out to get me. You were just figuring your shit out. And really, we're all just trying to do that but you were less socially refined than others, so you kinda took it out on everyone else, which was rude, but in hindsight, completely understandable.

And now, now you have a beam of hearts radiating out of your chest (when you aren't cranky, tired or being contrary for no reason). Actual hearts! and stars! And I can see them and they hit me in the chest and I want to smush your face and fold you into me, but you don't let me do that, so I suffer. Oh, how I suffer.

Over our horrid holiday season of 2009 you decided to become the chattiest Munkers in the world. You have so much to say. And its all in the way that you say it, because the content often lacks for creativity.

For example, you love it when its "luppertime", you wear "locks" on your feet and each morning after you are dressed you put your hands in your pockets and tell me "pockets". And I am floored each time (I'm also a cheap drunk if anyone's curious).

If I show you a box of Cheerios in the morning you shout "No, hot cereal!" And thus you are shortly served Cream of Wheat with blueberries and jam. You are a high class lady.

You also love broccoli, and I am not convinced that this phase will last so I thought I should document it as proof of your mature palate, temporary though it may be.

You make wise longterm choices. At the doctor's office a few weeks back you handed me a half eaten lollipop in order to play with your sticker. This bodes well for future dental care and all of us but Dr. Wengarten, DDS are happy about that news.

You remain obsessed with Bunny. You blow Bunny's nose ('honk honk'), clean his face and generally crush my heart with your caring soul and kindness. You then uncrush it by throwing a fit about wanting to stand on top of the counter / ending the bath/ not watching Elmo 24 hours a day... I digress.

You are good at throwing fits. I am good at walking away from these and so far we have basically kept them in check. You yell, flail and scream but keep one eye on me and if I'm not into it you are good at moving on with your life. Your dad, he will coddle and presume you are in great pain, but you can't fool me girly, I'm on to your wily two year old ways, I've got your number, toots.

(Side note, how do you spell toots? As in 'nice ass, toots/ tuhts/ tuts'.? Please enlighten)

Basically, you have become a touch human of late and I couldn't love it more. I know the day will come when my coming home from work won't excite you, when you aren't interested in sharing the minutiae of your day with me, when you realize that your dad is not a super hero, but even then I will love and cherish you. And I will buy you a car so that I remain relevant.

Munks, I love you bigger than the whole world.

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